How Do You Get Rid Of Mushrooms On Your Lawn?

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If you live in an area that experiences rain now and then, you may find mushrooms popping up across your lawn. This is a common issue, especially in low light and high moisture conditions.

Mushrooms that grow in your yard are normally harmless, while some can have useful purposes.

Fungi on your lawn can disintegrate organic substances across the grass, add nutrients to the soil, and help the soil maintain its water through their roots. 

They may not be dangerous, but if you aren’t a fan of their appearance, or are worried about pets or children taking a bite, you can do some things to control mushroom lawn growth. 

We’ll cover how to get rid of mushrooms on your lawn below, including why mushrooms form in grass, some of their drawbacks, and some reasons why you may want to leave the mushrooms as they are. 

Why Are There Mushrooms On My Lawn?

Mushrooms are fruits of fungi. As is the case with flower seeds, mushrooms act to reproduce fungi, so they keep on living.

Rather than distributing seeds, fungi have tiny spores on their cap and gills. These spores either spread through critters that consume them or blow with the wind to different areas. 

Soil is full of fungi, that help break down organic substances. Grass cuttings or leaves that are part of a backyard ecosystem fall onto the lawn, nourishing fungi with their nutrients and carbon.

The fungi give back by turning the leaves and grass cuttings into soil nutrients.  

Mushrooms aren’t always a bad sign, as they indicate that your yard’s soil is in good condition. As mushrooms grow from fungi, this shows that fungi are doing their job underneath the ground. 

Despite this, there are some disadvantages of lawn mushrooms which include:

  • Mushrooms and puffs can look unattractive and detract from an immaculate lawn.
  • Some lawn mushrooms are dangerous. If pets or children eat toxic mushrooms, they can lead to serious stomach problems.
  • Constant fungi growth above the earth can injure some grassy areas on your lawn.
  • Mushrooms can be a sign of overwatering the grass, which indicates wasting water as well.

Removing Mushrooms From A Lawn

Removing Mushrooms From A Lawn

If mushrooms keep growing across your lawn, or you want to remove them entirely, treat the problem like you would handle a pest infestation. 

This starts with prevention tactics. Lawn-care practices like changes to watering practices or dethatching can help you avoid big mushroom outbreaks.

Here are some things you can do to remove mushrooms from your lawn.

Decrease Shade And Moisture

Fungi naturally form under the grass, but these don’t turn into toadstools until they reach optimal dark and damp conditions. One way of preventing this is by improving soil drainage. 

You can do this with a lawn aerator. This gardening appliance draws thin, round soil pugs from the grass every few inches. This encourages better drainage and air circulation. 

Adapting your regular lawn care method can help keep your grass dry. Water less often, keeping to an inch of water each week. You should also mow frequently, as short grass blades dry out rapidly compared to longer grass blades. 

If you tend to water at night and notice mushrooms or fairy rings across your lawn, start watering in the early morning. This will give the lawn time to dry before darker, cool evenings commence. 

If you notice mushrooms growing in a shady part of your yard, try trimming any tree branches around the area. This will help more light come into contact with the yard, so the conditions aren’t as optimal for mushroom growth. 

Tidy Organic Matter

Fungi prey on decaying organic matter, like grass cuttings or dead tree roots. If you’ve eliminated the spore mushrooms, you can deter them from remaining by decreasing their food source. 

Begin by gathering grass cuttings when you mow the lawn or aim to leave a small layer instead. Regularly dethatch the grass in locations you notice any mushrooms. 

If the fungi are consuming organic substances within the soil, like old mulch, discarded wood, or dead tree roots, you’ll need to remove these to prevent the mushrooms from growing. 

Aim to dig the soil from outside the affected spot. This is normally two feet past the group of mushrooms and between 12 and 18 inches deep in the soil.

This can take a lot of effort, but if it’s done right, the mushrooms and fungi shouldn’t be a problem anymore. 

Remove The Mushrooms From Their Base

You can draw mushrooms from the soil individually with a knife, by hand, or go over the whole location with a lawnmower.

It’s best to remove the mushrooms as soon as you notice them. If you don’t, the fungi will have more time to spread their spores and grow mushrooms elsewhere.

This is why you shouldn’t throw the mushrooms into your compost. Transfer them into a plastic bag, tie the bag securely, then throw it in the trash.

If you decide to mow the mushrooms, pick up the pieces and throw them into a separate bag at once. 

Don’t use chemical fungicides, as these may destroy useful soil agents. If you want to eliminate yard mushrooms with a fungicide, use a DIY mixture. 

Add five tablespoons of vinegar into a gallon of water, then pour the blend into a spray bottle. Spray the mixture after you’ve cut down all of the mushrooms in the same spot. 

Should You Let Mushrooms Grow On Your Lawn?

Mushrooms may be unsightly, but there are some reasons why they should remain on your lawn. 

Indicate Healthy Soil

As mentioned above, fungi are a sign that your soil is in good condition. 

Fungi and mushrooms that spread spores show that the fungi are working under the soil. They help roots obtain nutrients and water, and also enhance the soil’s construction. An attractive lawn is impossible to achieve without decent soil underneath. 

Give Lawn Nutrients

In natural conditions, plants access nutrients from the soil with their roots. They then keep the nutrients in their flowers and leaves. 

If a critter consumes these parts, they obtain the nutrients. Any insects or animals that die give these nutrients back to the soil, which then breaks down by bacteria, earthworms, and fungi. 

A fungi’s hyphae (filament) help decompose organic substances into the nutrients plants require, like nitrogen, potassium, and carbon dioxide. Mushrooms disperse fungal spores to keep this operation running. 

Final Thoughts

Lawn mushrooms aren’t usually dangerous, but you may want to remove them for aesthetics or pet/children’s safety. 

You can remove mushrooms by hand or with a lawn mower, but it’s also important to take precautions to prevent them from growing again. 

Mushrooms thrive in damp, dark conditions, but practicing good lawn care can prevent your lawn from turning into a prime mushroom spot.

It’s best to remove mushrooms quickly after you see them, so act as fast as you can to stop them from spreading elsewhere!

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